You're a responsible driver, you follow the rules of the road, and, of course, you have auto insurance. It’s the law. So, if some guy rear-ends you or runs a red light and crumples the side of your car, their insurance will cover your costs, right? That depends on how...
SC Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Myrtle Beach
Auto accidents can be life-threatening, expensive, and terrifying no matter what kind of vehicle you're in. But, when you're on a motorcycle, your odds of catastrophic injuries and medical costs go up exponentially. Your SC motorcycle accident attorney at Coastal Law...
Horry County Drug Court
If you have a drug problem, at the end of the road you are likely to find prison, institutions, or death. If you go to prison because of drugs, your situation is not likely to improve as you are now separated from family, friends, and the community that could have...
What is Obstruction of Justice in SC (and Why Won’t My Congressman Help Me)
The police are harassing you, making false accusations, even threatening to arrest you. Although you are being wrongfully accused, maybe you've already been charged and arrested. You're looking around for help, hoping that someone in a position of power will have your...
Myrtle Beach Car Crashes in Winter Storm Grayson
Winter Storm Grayson took the Grand Strand and South Carolina’s low country by surprise this week. While many Horry County residents are enjoying time off from work and a once-in-a-decade opportunity to go snow sledding at the beach, many others are now dealing with...
What Are The Types of Workers’ Comp Injuries
When you’re injured on the job and you’ve got a boss and coworkers depending on you, suddenly waking up and being on time for work is no longer your greatest worry…not having a paycheck is. If this sounds familiar and you’ve suffered an on-the-job injury that’s...
10 Questions About Workers’ Compensation Cases in SC
Work-related injuries can cause a great deal of hurt, stress, and uncertainty. You may be worried about providing for your family, whether you will be able to keep your job, and whether you will ever fully recover so you can go back to work... On-the-job accidents...
Slip & Fall Cases in SC : What You Need to Know
If you were hurt because of a slip-and-fall accident, you’re not alone. Slips and falls accidents account for 85 percent of workers’ compensation claims, according to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI). Even if your fall wasn’t work-related, if someone else’s...
Top 12 Questions About Personal Injury Cases in SC
When you set out for that run on your neighborhood’s trail, you never imagined it would turn into a bloody battle with an off-leash Fido. As you limp out of the emergency room with a brand new set of stitches in your leg, you’re glad you swapped contact info with...
9 Popular Questions About Property Crime Charges in SC
If you have been charged with a property crime in South Carolina, you may already know that SC law can be confusing and intimidating. Whether you are facing minor charges like shoplifting or serious charges like burglary or robbery in SC, you are going to need a...