Auto Accident in a Company Vehicle?

Auto Accident in a Company Vehicle?

What happens if you get into an auto accident while driving a company vehicle? What if you are in an auto accident where the other driver is in a company vehicle?  The ordinary rules of negligence and compensation may not apply when a company vehicle is involved in an...
Lump Sum Settlements in SC Workers’ Comp Cases

Lump Sum Settlements in SC Workers’ Comp Cases

If you are offered a choice between a check in your hand or a promise of payments over time, taking the check may seem like the obvious choice. In a worker’s compensation case, though, there are many things you should consider before making this decision. Is it in...
8 Questions About Wrongful Death Lawsuits in SC

8 Questions About Wrongful Death Lawsuits in SC

Have you recently suffered the loss of a family member? Was his or her death another person’s fault? While nothing can replace your lost loved one, a wrongful death suit can help you to achieve the only kind of justice that is available in South Carolina’s civil...
What Are The Types of Workers’ Comp Injuries

What Are The Types of Workers’ Comp Injuries

When you’re injured on the job and you’ve got a boss and coworkers depending on you, suddenly waking up and being on time for work is no longer your greatest worry…not having a paycheck is. If this sounds familiar and you’ve suffered an on-the-job injury that’s...
10 Questions About Workers’ Compensation Cases in SC

10 Questions About Workers’ Compensation Cases in SC

Work-related injuries can cause a great deal of hurt, stress, and uncertainty. You may be worried about providing for your family, whether you will be able to keep your job, and whether you will ever fully recover so you can go back to work… On-the-job accidents...