Why is there a Push to Lower the SC DUI Limit to .05?

Do you think you’re OK to drive after just one drink? You probably are – for now. But, a group of researchers has added its weight to a creeping movement aimed at lowering the legal blood alcohol limit to .05. In 2013, the National Transportation Safety...

Is DRE Testimony Admissible in a S.C. DUI Trial?

South Carolina’s appellate courts have not yet decided the issue of whether DRE testimony is admissible at trial, but the courts will most likely admit DRE testimony when: 1) The officer is qualified as an expert; and 2) The testimony is limited to the officer’s...

Can You Get a DUI on a Lawnmower in South Carolina?

You can be charged with DUI in South Carolina if you are in or on any vehicle that is powered by a motor. South Carolina police have charged people with DUI while: Riding a lawn mower, Driving a tractor, and Riding a moped (even when S.C.’s DUI law didn’t cover...