Nov 6, 2016 | Criminal Defense
When shown in Hollywood movies, burglary seems like a glamorous crime. Well-dressed men and women with underground criminal connections coordinate to pull off heists of banks, Las Vegas casinos, or high-end art museums. The reality isn’t quite so glamorous because...
Nov 6, 2016 | Criminal Defense
You’re driving home late at night, eager to get into bed. Then suddenly, you’re in an accident. You’re not sure whether you closed your eyes for a minute, or maybe just weren’t paying as close attention as you thought you were. Either way, you’ve hit another car....
Nov 2, 2016 | Criminal Defense, DUI, Humor
When you hear the term “DUI,” your mind probably jumps to images of drunk drivers or cops running field sobriety tests. That reaction is pretty typical, considering that most of the publicity DUIs receive is due to drunk driving. Yet, driving drunk isn’t the only way...
Oct 28, 2016 | Criminal Defense
Remember playing the game Monopoly as a kid? Drawing a card from the “chance” pile could get you sent to jail. Logically, another could get you out of jail for free. Of course, in real life, there’s no such thing as a “get out of jail free” card. Suppose that one day...
Jul 1, 2016 | Criminal Defense
Some people have the notion that a “criminal” is somehow different from a normal law-abiding citizen. In reality, those who have been charged or convicted of breaking the law aren’t any different from those who haven’t. There are so many criminalized acts in the state...
Jul 1, 2016 | Criminal Defense
What often comes to mind when people hear the word “perjury” is someone lying under oath while on the witness stand in a courtroom. But lying under oath is just one form of perjury. South Carolina’s code identifies two types of perjury: 1. Intentionally providing...