Have you recently suffered the loss of a family member? Was his or her death another person’s fault? While nothing can replace your lost loved one, a wrongful death suit can help you to achieve the only kind of justice that is available in South Carolina’s civil...
Who Pays for a Single Car Accident?
Five people died in a single-vehicle accident earlier this month while racing to the hospital so one of the passengers could give birth. When they ran off the road in Darlington County and crashed, all 11 occupants were ejected. “This collision represents largest loss...
No Eye Exam Required for a SC Driver’s License?
Some of the skills you are required to demonstrate during a driving test are debatable. For example, does knowing how to parallel park really make you a better driver? But, there is one ability that seems important and not up for debate - the ability to see. Yet,...
Types of Business Entities in SC – Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs
So, you're starting a business. Congratulations! You've probably already made a lot of decisions: What are you going to make or sell? How are you going to market your products or services? Are you going to have a physical location, and, if so, where will it be? For...
What are the Types of Auto Insurance in SC?
If you drive in South Carolina, you are required to have auto insurance. Of course, even without the legal requirement, it would be dumb not to have it. Auto insurance protects you from the kinds of financial losses that can result from an accident and from other auto...
Do SC Courts Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Decide Sentences?
If you are arrested, who would you rather oversee setting your bail - a stern judge in a rotten mood, or a computer program designed by someone you will never meet? South Carolina courts are not yet using artificial intelligence (AI) to determine sentences in the...
Amtrak Train Crash in Cayce (Columbia) SC
Early Sunday morning, there was a catastrophic Amtrak train crash in Cayce, SC that killed two Amtrak employees and injured over 100 passengers. Could this crash have been avoided? Is Amtrak liable to the injured passengers and their deceased employees? This was the...
Self-Driving Cars and Liability for Car Wrecks
A motorcycle driver in San Francisco was hit by a car that swerved into his lane, but he's not suing the driver of the car - he's blaming the car itself. If you think that sounds crazy ... well, get used to it. As more self-driving vehicles hit the nation's roads,...
South Carolina Jails or Debtor Prisons – Bail Bond Reform
County jails across the country, including J. Reuben Long Detention Center in Conway, SC, look more like debtor's prisons every day, filled with people who are there only because they can't afford to pay their bail. If you have money, you pay the amount set by the...
Rollover Accidents in Myrtle Beach
A driver escaped serious injury in Myrtle Beach when a vehicle rolled over and shut down traffic on S.C. 22 at Carolina Bays Parkway last week. This was one lucky driver - rollovers are deadlier than just about any other kind of vehicle accident. In fact, rollover...