Auto Accident in a Company Vehicle?

Auto Accident in a Company Vehicle?

What happens if you get into an auto accident while driving a company vehicle? What if you are in an auto accident where the other driver is in a company vehicle?  The ordinary rules of negligence and compensation may not apply when a company vehicle is involved in an...
Breach of Trust with Fraudulent Intent in SC

Breach of Trust with Fraudulent Intent in SC

​What is breach of trust with fraudulent intent?  More importantly, when is breach of trust not breach of trust?  In far too many cases, alleged victims of breach of trust, law enforcement, and, in some cases, prosecutors will have someone arrested and charged with...
What are the Alcohol Laws in SC?

What are the Alcohol Laws in SC?

Alcohol laws in SC cover a broad range of situations – use of alcohol while driving, use of alcohol while boating, alcohol sales, underage drinking and possession of alcohol, and SC liquor laws are some of the most common.  Although there are common themes, alcohol...
Wrong Way Accidents in South Carolina

Wrong Way Accidents in South Carolina

Of all the crashes that happen on SC highways, wrong way accidents can be among the most catastrophic.  They are even more terrifying because they can happen at high speeds and because they are unexpected. In a moment, with no warning, a reckless or drunk driver can...