Apr 26, 2019 | Personal Injury
Trampoline parks have become a billion-dollar industry in recent years, but are they safe for children? Are there trampoline park injuries and deaths that we haven’t been hearing about? Spoiler alert: Trampoline parks are not safe for children. The parks ask you to...
Apr 26, 2019 | Hemp and CBD Stores, Marijuana Prohibition
State and federal laws governing hemp harming are changing quickly, and we are keeping up with them. What is the status of hemp farming in SC? Below, I’ll discuss some of the recent developments in South Carolina and federal laws governing hemp, including the current...
Apr 22, 2019 | Auto Accidents
What effect does speeding have on auto accidents? When someone is speeding, are they more likely to have an accident? Is the accident more likely to result in injuries or death? Would lowering the speed limit reduce the number of auto accidents? The answer might...
Apr 18, 2019 | Freedom of Information
How much does a FOIA request cost in Horry County? SC’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) says that a public body may establish and collect reasonable fees not to exceed the actual cost of the search, retrieval, and redaction of records.” The FOIA law provides...
Apr 12, 2019 | Personal Injury
When an animal attacks in SC, can the victim sue? Who is responsible for the injuries caused by an animal attack? The answer depends. SC has strict liability for dog attacks, but the SC code of laws does not address most other types of animal attacks in SC. What...