Sep 19, 2019 | Criminal Defense
Do we have mandatory minimum sentences in SC? Although SC does not have formal sentencing guidelines like the federal courts or some other states, we do have mandatory minimum sentences in SC. A lot of them… To determine whether an offense has a mandatory minimum...
Sep 19, 2019 | Fourth Amendment
What are my rights during a police search in SC? There’s a lot of misinformation out there about when police need a search warrant and how you should interact with police if they ask to search you, your car, or your home with or without a warrant. Below, I’ll address...
Sep 12, 2019 | Criminal Defense, Evidence Rules
Is there a spousal privilege in SC? There is, although it is not always helpful. Spousal privilege in SC used to be a common-law rule that prohibited calling a person as a witness against their husband or wife. Now, spousal privilege in SC is statutory – the statute...
Sep 12, 2019 | Criminal Defense, Marijuana Prohibition
Is the smell of marijuana probable cause in SC? As a court in New York noted earlier this year, the smell of marijuana is always probable cause to search and police often take advantage of this – routinely lying about the “overwhelming odor of marijuana” any time...
Sep 6, 2019 | Auto Accidents, Insurance
Does health insurance pay for auto accident injuries? If you are injured in an auto accident, your expenses may be piling up. Hospital bills, EMS bills, medical equipment, medication, and lost wages from the time you were unable to work are just a few examples. But...