Boating Deaths in SC

Boating Deaths in SC

According to some reports, boating deaths in SC have increased in recent years, with an average of 30 deaths on the water each year – that’s just deaths and does not include the injuries caused each year by boating accidents. According to the Coast Guard, recreational...
Does SC Have the Worst Drivers?

Does SC Have the Worst Drivers?

There is a new study that ranks SC drivers as some of the worst in the nation – we came in at second place just after Maine. According to, SC’s bad driving statistics are largely driven by drunk drivers, and they affect the cost of automobile insurance...
Who is Liable After a Trucking Accident in SC?

Who is Liable After a Trucking Accident in SC?

Trucking accidents, commercial vehicle accidents, and other collisions involving large vehicles can cause catastrophic damage on the highway – who is liable after a trucking accident? Truck accidents are often more complex than other types of car wrecks. They often...
What is an Alford Plea in SC?

What is an Alford Plea in SC?

What is an Alford plea? An Alford plea may be an option when: A person is charged with a crime that they did not commit, refuse to admit they committed, or can’t remember committing; The evidence tends to prove that they committed the crime; They are facing a serious...