We’re Here When You Need Us


Representation you can depend on

  • 23 + Years Experience
  • 10,000 + Clients

Coastal Law is a Myrtle Beach, SC, bicycle accident law firm accepting cases in the Grand Strand area. 

Mike Wells is a personal injury attorney with experience handling serious personal injury claims, including bicycle accidents in South Carolina. 

We represent bicycle accident victims when negligent drivers cause:

  • Serious injuries to bicyclists or pedestrians, or
  • Death. 

Unfortunately, when a motorist hits a person a bicyclist or a pedestrian the results can be tragic. 

This is why motorists have a responsibility to look for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists before they turn, change lanes, or cross an intersection. 

When a motorist fails to maintain a proper lookout, violates traffic laws, or collides with a cyclist or pedestrian, they are responsible for any resulting damage, including injuries or wrongful death of the cyclist.

Attorney Mike Wells is passionate about helping accident victims get justice for their injuries.

Attorney Mike Wells has the experience and resources required to ensure that accident victims receive full and fair compensation for their injuries.

This involves investigating the bicycle accident, identifying the liable parties, negotiating with the defendants and insurance companies, and if necessary, taking your case to trial before a jury and handling any appeals.

A Conway, SC, Bicycle Accident Attorney Who Cares

People turn to Coastal Law for help when:

  • A negligent motorist has hurt them,
  • Their case involves complex legal issues like comparative negligence, negligence per se, and punitive damages law, 
  • They need an experienced bicycle accident lawyer who will take on the insurance companies and fight for full and fair compensation, 
  • They need an Horry County personal injury attorney who has worked in the local courtrooms for decades, or
  • They are looking for a bicycle accident attorney with a proven record of success handling serious personal injury claims in South Carolina.

How Coastal Law Can Help You

When you call Coastal Law’s Myrtle Beach, SC, and Conway, SC, bicycle accident law firm, we take the time to learn about your case, get to know who you are, and answer your questions.

We don’t charge for the initial consultation. 

If we are retained on your case, your Horry County bicycle accident attorney will:

  • Meet with you, listen to you, and answer your questions, 
  • Meet with you at a location convenient to you – at one of our offices or at the hospital or at your home if your injuries prevent you from traveling, 
  • Investigate the crash and identify all possible sources of recovery, 
  • Help you to retain private investigators as needed to assist in identifying and locating a hit-and-run driver,
  • Help you to retain expert witnesses or consultants as needed to establish your claims or damages, 
  • Demand settlement for full and fair compensation, and
  • File a lawsuit and try your case to a jury if your valid claim is not settled. 

Why Call Coastal Law?

Mike Wells is a bicycle accident attorney at Coastal Law Firm with:

  • Extensive experience handling civil claims including bicycle accident claims and wrongful death lawsuits, 
  • Private investigators and expert witnesses available to assist as needed in investigating your case and establishing your claims, 
  • Four South Carolina offices including offices in Myrtle Beach, SC, Conway, SC, Charleston, SC, and Columbia, SC, 
  • Decades of experience helping plaintiffs recover damages from negligent drivers and their insurance companies, and
  • Compassion for our clients and a desire to help our neighbors in our local communities whenever possible. 

How Do Bicycle Accident Lawyers Get Paid?

Bicycle accident attorneys, like most types of accident and personal injury lawyers, are usually paid on a contingency basis. 

This means there is no fee to consult us on any personal injury case, including bicycle accident cases, and you pay no attorney fees unless and until you are paid after a settlement or verdict at trial.


Rural vs. Urban Crashes: While many imagine bicycle accidents happening in busy city areas, South Carolina sees a significant number occur in rural areas. This might be surprising, but it reflects the lack of dedicated bike lanes or infrastructure in rural counties, making it harder for cyclists to share the road with vehicles safely.

BICYCLE Accident Law in SC

Over 23+ years, we’ve gained in-depth knowledge of the relevant laws, regulations, and court decisions, which allows us to represent our clients better.

Bicycle Accident Laws in SC

Most bicycle accident cases are based on SC negligence law. To recover damages, we must prove:

  • The defendant owed a duty to you (to keep a proper lookout at intersections, to obey the traffic laws, or to maintain their lane), 
  • The defendant breached their duty to you (by not looking for bicycles at the intersection, by running the red light, or by driving in the dedicated bicycle lane), and 
  • The defendant’s breach of their duty was the proximate cause of your damages (their vehicle hit you and caused injuries).
Bicycle Accident Damages

You are entitled to recover any damages that you suffered because of the at-fault driver’s negligence, which could include:

  • Medical expenses and future medical costs, 
  • Hospital and doctor bills, 
  • Long-term care, 
  • Pain and suffering, 
  • Property damage, 
  • Wrongful death and survival damages, and
  • Punitive damages.
Bicycle Accidents and Hit-and-Run Drivers

When a hit-and-run driver causes a bicycle accident with injuries or death, you may still have options. 

You should contact a Myrtle Beach bicycle accident lawyer immediately because:

  • The hit-and-run driver is likely to be identified and apprehended sooner or later, and
  • You may have additional options to recover damages, including stackable uninsured motorist (UM) coverage, the SC State Victim’s Assistance Fund, or claims against additional defendants whose negligence contributed to the accident.

Bicycle Accident Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Unfortunately, many bicycle accident cases are filed as wrongful death lawsuits. 

We cannot stress enough to look for bicycles – that extra second could save someone’s life. 

When a driver’s negligence causes a bicyclist’s death, we are here to help the bicyclist’s family recover the maximum damages they are entitled to receive under SC law and the facts of their case.


If you’ve been in a bicycle accident in South Carolina, it’s important to be aware of your rights and to consult with an bicycle accident attorney immediately.


Proving Negligence in a Bicycle Accident

Your bicycle accident lawyer will gather the evidence you need to prove negligence, including:


  • Photos or video of the incident site, damage to vehicles, and your injuries, 
  • Witness testimony, 
  • Phone records to show the defendant was using their cell phone when they caused the crash,
  • Incident reports, 
  • Video footage from nearby residences or businesses, 
  • Medical records and testimony, and 
  • Formal discovery in your lawsuit.

Injuries from Bicycle Accidents

The injuries suffered by bicycle crash victims range from minor scrapes and bruises to life-threatening or disabling injuries, including:

  • Death, 
  • Broken bones,
  • Road rash, 
  • Cuts and lacerations, 
  • Puncture wounds, 
  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI), 
  • Spinal cord injuries and
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ready To Speak With An Attorney?

Schedule Your Appointment Today!